Saturday, May 23, 2009

Tea Caddy

Since September I've been a member of the Hospitality Committee for my Meeting (Quaker church). We are responsible for refreshments, setup and cleanup. Most weeks this means that one of us is starting the coffee and water for tea, setting up cups, and making sure the First Day School (aka Sunday School) classes get their snacks. March was my month for coffee and one of the things I noticed was that the woven basket that holds tea bags was falling apart.

So I decided to replace it. The resulting tea caddy is pictured below. It's walnut with a plywood bottom. The corners are rabbeted together (a step shaped notch is cut into each side so the ends fit flush with the end of the sides), and the divider is set into a dado (groove) in the ends. And I should mention that all the wood used was scraps from other projects.

The finish is a spray on polyurethane.

The tea caddy
Tea Caddy 2
Corner Detail
Tea Caddy corner
Divider Detail
Tea Caddy divider


Shelley said...


They're lucky to have you...

Kathe said...

Nice work, Chelle! I SOOOOO miss my power tools!

p said...

beautifully done! nice to see.
can i ask the brand of the spray you used? it looks GREAT!

Stacy said...

It's really lovely. Nicely done.

Allan said...

Looks very well made.
Thanks for sharing.