Sunday, March 25, 2007


I have a number of projects that have been started but not finished. I'm trying now to reduce the backlog, so a couple of weeks ago I pulled out the pieces for a wall cabinet I started a couple of years ago (yes years).

The cabinet is 22 inches tall and about 18 wide. The pieces pictured here are the sides. Today I glued up one of the doors (I would have done the other but I don't own the right combination of clamps for that.) Then I turned to the case. After cleaning up the back, I set out to cut the shelf pin holes with the handy dandy jig I own. At which point I should have turned my brain on.

The jig has two sets of holes - one for cabinets with inset doors, and one for cabinets with face frames. I decided that the inner set was too far in, and the outer set was too far out. So I used a piece of scrap to move the jig a little closer to the front edge. It was only after I had drilled most of the holes at that distance that I remembered that the doors will be inset. And the holes I had just drilled were too close to the spot where the doors will be. As it turns out the inner holes were the ones that I should have used in the first place. So I redrilled the holes. Then I pulled out my plug cutters and cut a dozen plugs to fill the miscut holes.

The good news is the holes will be on the inside of the cabinet and won't be obvious.

Oh and the other good news is that I got to spend a really productive afternoon in the shop.

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